I will probably be posting a few times today as there is quite a bit of information.
Many of you will be taking your first boot camp class today, and many of you will be starting our 2nd Paleo Challenge, so the first step is to just do it.
For those of you who showed up this morning and made it through the fitness "tests", congratulations. That's what it takes...just getting up, out of bed, and in to action. You've done it!
If you are in the Paleo Challenge then your first step is to eat a Paleo version of breakfast. Have you done that? (Put you answer in the comment section below.)
If you are curious to know if I actually "do" what I "preach". Yes indeed.
For breakfast I had a lean beef patty from Trader Joe's with a little seasoning, a small handful of walnuts, a small orange, and some green tea. As far as my workout...I'm going out right now after I finish typing this post.

How did you start your day???